What to Expect

Gathering with us for the first time this Sunday? We’re looking forward to meeting you. We know you might have questions on where to go, and what to expect.


10AM @ Frost Elementary School

3306 Skinner Lane, Richmond, TX 77406

Parking & Entering

Follow the TGC directional signs for parking. We can’t wait to meet you!

Checking Your Kids In

If you have kids, take a left and walk down the hallway to our Kids Check-in area. In order to get them to their class in a timely manner, please aim to arrive early and register before our gathering. A smiling face and a helpful heart awaits your presence to assist you and show you where your children will go when they are dismissed.

Family Worship

We believe that our kids’ faith is not just taught, but caught. Therefore, all children are invited to sing to the Lord together in our gathering. About half way through our gathering, we will dismiss our kids to their age-appropriate classes during what we call “Pass the Peace.”

Coffee and Refreshments

Please enjoy a cup of coffee or water in the back of the gym, where we gather to worship together.

Age Appropriate Areas

Each child from age one to eighteen has an area of ministry that is designated just for their grade and age. There they will learn the Gospel on their level, taught by our amazing teachers and assistants.

Bring Your Bible

We value being in the word, and reading the word together. Instead of relying solely on the screen to provide you your scripture, we encourage you to bring your bible.


We practice communion together regularly, and value the breaking of bread with the family of God. We practice open communion, meaning that if you are a believer we welcome you to Table. However, if you are not a believer, we ask that you abstain, reflect, and consider what you are witnessing.


Miss a Sunday? Listen and View our Past Sermons On Demand