Who We Are

The Grove Church Leadership

Volumes have been written on leadership, but there has been no greater work written than God's Word. It is littered with examples and warnings of what good leaders should and shouldn't pursue. From Abraham's faith to Moses' high achievements and Esther's bold requests of a ruthless king, the Old Testament shows leaders who prioritize trust in God. The New Testament doesn't just give us the best leader that ever was in Jesus, but also gives us guidance on how God wants His Church to be structured through elders, deacons, and leaders of various sorts (Acts 20; 1 Timothy 3; Titus 1; 1 Peter 5). It is to these things, that we strive towards by God's grace.


Lance Williams

Elder & Lead Pastor

Coby Wilbanks


Kawika Vellalos


Chris Madigan


Kyle Tobin


Rodney Clayton




Lance Williams


  • Lance is a native Houstonian who grew up in the heart what is now known as the Westchase District. He graduated from Texas A&M University in 2001 and has been in full-time vocational ministry since 2005 when he was the Youth Director at a Korean Church in Houston.

    After graduation from Dallas Theological Seminary with a ThM (Master’s in Theology) in 2008, Lance served as an Associate Pastor for six years at a Baptist church in Sugar Land, TX, where He sensed a call to plant a new church where new, record growth was projected in Richmond. In 2014, Lance and his family planted The Grove Church in their living room, starting with 17 adults and 19 children.

    Lance has a deep passion for God’s people to integrate a missional lifestyle in everyday life and to fulfill the New Command: “Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13.34). He and his wife, Melissa, have been married since 2003 and have three children, Reese, Ellie, and Moses.

    Lance also holds certifications in Enneagram Training from People Launching and Spiritual Direction from the School for Spiritual Direction with Dr. Larry Crabb.

Christen Madigan

Grove Kids Leader

  • Christen Madigan was born in Houston and in junior high moved to San Diego with her family. She spent about 7 years in California where she met the love of her life Chris just before moving back to Texas in 2006. They were married in 2007 and have 3 children Stella, James and River.

    Christen attended Houston Community College and earned her Associate’s Degree in Interpreting for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. She spent her career in community relations and senior living before deciding in 2017 to seek work-from-home opportunities that would allow her more flexibility and time with her kids. Christen now works part time for a local nonprofit organization Fort Bend Green in addition to her work at The Grove.

    Chris and Christen have been partners with The Grove Church since 2014 and she has served in the Grove Kids ministry since that time. She has a strong passion for sharing the gospel with children on a level that they can understand and equipping them to put what they’re learning from God’s Word into action. She believes that children aren’t just the “church of the future,” but that they have extraordinary potential to participate in what the Lord is doing here and now.


Worship Leader

  • Carissa was born in Houston, grew up in Sugar Land, and has been leading worship for 20 years. She has served on staff in worship ministry since 2014 at churches in the Houston and surrounding areas. Carissa graduated from Blinn College in 2006 and during that time served as Worship Leader for Sigma Phi Lambda at Texas A&M University. She has had the opportunity to participate in multiple studio recording projects and songwriting intensives and has also led vocal workshops, worship team trainings, and worship for various events and organizations across the Houston area.

    Carissa is passionate about the gathering of the saints to glorify Jesus and edify His church. She desires to see the church on fire and unhindered in the pursuit of the Lord and on mission as Gospel centered worshippers.

    Carissa came on board as our Worship Leader in May 2021. She and her husband, Nick, have been married since 2006 and have three daughters, Eden, McKenna, and Jillian.

Cassie Clayton


  • Cassie has been in ministry since 2014, when she helped plant The Grove Church. She came on board as a ministry coordinator in 2015. She graduated in 2011 from Monmouth College, IL. Cassie loves all things event planning, from the small to the large details. She was able to grow this love and experience with past positions like Disney Cruise Line with the youth activities team, concert management and a wedding planner for a country club.

    In 2015 Cassie prayed for a career change, and the Lord answered with the news that they were expecting their first child. They now have three children, Delcie, Oliver and Oscar. Although they are not originally from Texas, they feel like Texans now and love living in Richmond. Both Cassie and Rodney serve as deacons as well as lead a Neighborhood Group.



Cassie Clayton

Bethany Vellalos

Samantha Wilbanks