On Mission
When Jesus said to “love your neighbor,” we think He meant it. The Bible tells us that God has determined the time, people, place in which we live (Acts 17.26). Since this is true, we want to make disciples who make a difference where God has sovereignly placed us. No church should be able to exist and not make an impact on our most immediate community, and we long to not just say “For Jesus. For Good.” but be a people who “are zealous for good works” (Titus 2.14).
Local Ministries We Support
For The Bend is a collaborative effort between several churches in the Richmond/Rosenberg area of Fort Bend County. Through this arm of The Grove, we hope to see churches work together in ways that promote collaboration, unity, and common mission of seeking the welfare of our city (Jeremiah 29.7).
Several times a year, local churches partner together to host a Parents' Night Out for foster and adoptive families in Fort Bend. Trained volunteers babysit at a designated church location. This allows parents to get away for a few hours to unwind, relax, and enjoy each other - kid free. Our next Parents' Night Out will be coming soon. To find out more information about how your organization can help us care for the orphan through our Parents' Night Out, email Sam Wilbanks here.
We regularly send notes of encouragement to local schools which accompany a small gift to help fuel teachers and staff as they shape the next generation.

Neighborhoods are a great place to start, but they aren’t the only place we are called to be on mission together. While we partner with several networks to help plant churches, we also invite you to engage your regularly visited places and habits as a missionary. It is the main thing Jesus told His disciples to do, and we hope you’ll see the joy in seeing many people find Jesus by your courageous faithfulness.
Our Affiliations
A diverse, global family of church-planting churches characterized by theological clarity, cultural engagement, and missional innovation. Learn more here.
The Houston Church Planting Network is a network of networks, made up of church planters, future church planters, network and denominational leaders, business leaders, and leaders from existing churches committed to church planting – all who love the city of Houston and want to see new churches planted that proclaim and demonstrate the gospel to every Houstonian.
SFBA exists to assist, encourage, and resource churches to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the two Great Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40).
Don't wait for the local church to start a program. Instead, enlist a few friends to help you reach people where you are already going. Some examples of natural networks are the baseball field, Cross-fit box, regular visits to the same restaurant, etc. Join God on His mission, right where you are.
We are not just called to make disciples locally, but globally. After all, Jesus told us to “make disciples of all nations” not just one nation. While we could do many things across many countries, we have a philosophy to choose fewer areas in which we can partner so that we can go deeper with the impact God may empower. We are deeply invested in India and El Salvador as a result, and we invite you to join us as we go in the next season of life.
House of Love | India
Since 2010, several of The Grove's partners have been traveling to the foothills of India to join God in what He's doing through our friend and pastor, Beek. Back in 2007 and 2008, the Christians of Orissa were faced with much persecution brought on by the radicals. Since then Beek has taken in 40 orphans, who make up The House of Love, and has started a church planting ministry. Where the mass persecutions are not as prevalent today, the individual persecution still exists. When we're there, we serve in many tangible ways like caring for orphans and widows (James 1.27), building up the local church, equipping pastors and planters, and encouraging women in their priesthoods. When we are not there we get to partner with God through prayer: That God would move through the darkness and bring light (Eph. 5.13), that hearts of stone would be made into hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36.26), that the fatherless would find their identity and hope in the Father (Psalm 68.5), and that all creation would be made new (2 Cor. 5.17).